Egg Hunt Kit Reservations

Egg Hunt Kit Reservations

NOTE: Please reserve only ONE kit for your egg hunt. 

Our kits sizes are for egg hunts hosting approximately 10 kids (small kit), 15 kids (medium kit), and 20 kids (large kit). If you are hosting an egg hunt with more than 20 kids, please email to see if arrangements can be made to accommodate your egg hunt. Thank you!

Worship Night

Worship Night

Bethel Church (map)

Our next worship night is coming up on Sunday, March 30th, at 6pm! We love every chance we get to have an extended, intentional time of singing praises together! It’s nights like this that help build and encourage the body of Christ. We hope to see you on the 30th!

Short-Term Missions Trip - Silver Lake Camp

Short-Term Missions Trip - Silver Lake Camp

Silver Lake Camp and Retreat Center (map)

Experience a short-term local missions trip at Silver Lake Camp & Retreat Center. Silver Lake was affected by wildfires a couple years ago and is needing help with rebuilding some camp cabins. We want to help restore this camp facility that has served so many churches throughout the years!

Dates: April 7 - 11, 2025

Age Group: 16 years and up (parental supervision required for kids under 16)

No Cost. Transportation is on your own.


If you would like to receive more information about this trip, click the link below.

Good Friday Gathering

Good Friday Gathering

Bethel Church (map)


When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. - John 19:30 (NIV)

Join us for a one hour gathering on Good Friday, April 18th, at 6pm as we reflect together on Jesus' death on the cross. We'll spend this time in prayer and worship, as well as reflect on the last 7 sayings of Jesus from the cross.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” — Luke 23:34

“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” — Luke 23:43

“Woman, here is your son,” — John 19:26

“Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). — Mark 15:34

“I thirst.” — John 19:28

“It is finished.” — John 19:30

“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” — Luke 23:46

The Last 7 Sayings of Jesus from the Cross

Easter Gatherings

Easter Gatherings

Come celebrate the resurrection with us this Easter!






Bethel Chehalis

132 Kirkland Rd Chehalis, WA

9:30 AM

Bethel Downtown Centralia

413 N Tower Ave Centralia, WA

Bethel Chehalis | 9:30AM

Facebook & YouTube

Bethel Downtown | 9:30AM

Facebook & YouTube

Online Gathering Times

Water Baptisms

Water Baptisms

The Meaning of Baptism

To be baptized is to clothe oneself with Christ (Mark 10:38-39; Luke 12:50). Christian baptism is in a sense a sharing of this death and resurrection and all that brought Christ to those events (Romans 6:1-7; Colossians 2:12). Baptism shows that a person has died to the old way of life and has been raised to a new kind of life – eternal life in Christ (Matthew 28:19-20; Colossians 3:1; 2 Timothy 2:11). The resurrection from the water points to the Christian’s resurrection (Romans 6:1-16).

Signing Up for Water Baptisms

Next Opportunity: Easter Sunday, April 20th

Step One: Sign Up for the Next Water Baptism Opportunity

  • After watching the Water Baptism Class video (above), sign up to be baptized on our next Water Baptism Sunday by clicking the link below.

Step Two: Preparing for Water Baptism Sunday

  • Attend the Follow Up Class on April 6th to record your video testimony and do a walk through with Pastor Jeannie so you know what to expect on Water Baptism Sunday.

  • Be here for Water Baptism Sunday! Invite your friends and family members to celebrate this declaration of faith with you!

Have questions about Water Baptism?

Email Pastor Jeannie

Northwest Men's Conference (Pasco, WA)

Northwest Men's Conference (Pasco, WA)

Faith Tri-Cities (map)

NW Men’s Conference is open to men high school age and up! This is a great time to connect and grow with those in your local area as well as with other guys from across the network.







We’ve reserved rooms at the Red Lion Pasco Conference Center for a one-night stay (May 16) or two-nights (May 15 & 16). If you would like to lodge with our group, click the “Reserve Lodging” button.

One Night: $80 per person

Two Nights: $160 per person

Note: Everyone is responsible for their own transportation to the conference. Transportation will not be provided.

STP Lodging

STP Lodging

Bethel Church (map)

Looking for a place to stay overnight halfway through the STP bike ride? Look no further! Bethel Church in Chehalis, WA is hosting STP bike riders this July! 

Bethel Church is a spacious and quiet location; easy to find off the STP Bike Route.

Lodging Costs:

  • Outdoor Tent Camping: $50 per person

  • Indoor Lodging (floor space): $60 per person

  • Rooms for private groups of 5 - 10 riders: email for availability and pricing. SOLD OUT

Amenities (Included in Price):

  • Secure, indoor bike storage

  • Hot showers

  • 2 Meals (dinner & breakfast)

  • WiFi

Available at an additional cost:

  • Air Mattress Rental: $15 each

  • Cot Rental: $5 each

STP Midpoint Lodging is a fundraiser for Bethel Church's Youth Ministry. Thank you for supporting us!

Questions? Email