
This resource page is intended to help start conversations, help bring clarity to complex topics and do so in light of the Gospel. This is by no means exhaustive and comprehensive, but we hope and pray it is a tool to help you guide your kids through complex topics in culture and do so through the lens of the Gospel. These are not official stances of Bethel Church or the Assemblies of God, nor do we completely and one hundred percent agree with every word that is spoken or written in these resources. However, these resources will be helpful in understanding different viewpoints on different topics. We also hope to continue adding different resources that address different topics in the future. If you have any questions or would like to have a further dialogue about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to us! We love you and your family very much and want to help guide you all through life with Jesus.

-Pastor Taylor & Megan Knudsvig


Social Media, Phones, & technology



Sexuality, gender, & identity



Racial reconciliation & biblical justice


mental & emotional health