The Meaning of Baptism

To be baptized is to clothe oneself with Christ (Mark 10:38-39; Luke 12:50). Christian baptism is in a sense a sharing of this death and resurrection and all that brought Christ to those events (Romans 6:1-7; Colossians 2:12). Baptism shows that a person has died to the old way of life and has been raised to a new kind of life – eternal life in Christ (Matthew 28:19-20; Colossians 3:1; 2 Timothy 2:11). The resurrection from the water points to the Christian’s resurrection (Romans 6:1-16).

Signing Up for Water Baptisms

Next Opportunity: Easter Sunday, March 31st

Step One: Registering

  • Watch the Water Baptism Class video.

  • Sign Up to be baptized on our next Water Baptism Sunday by clicking the link below.

  • Submit the Water Baptism Application at the end of your registration (see example below)

Step Two: Preparing for Water Baptism Sunday

  • Attend the Follow Up Class to share your testimony on video and do a walk through with Pastor Jeannie so you know what to expect on Water Baptism Sunday.

  • Be here for Water Baptism Sunday! Invite your friends and family members to celebrate this declaration of faith with you!

Have questions about Water Baptism?

Email Pastor Jeannie